recipes from my kitchen

Here I only post recipes I am absolutely in love with. Most of which are quite healthy, but there are a few not-so healthy recipes for those “fat and happy Fridays” and . . . “fat and happy Mondays”?

I eat healthy almost every day, and it is certainly no chore. I naturally have a flexitarian sort of diet – meat has never been much of a friend to my stomach. And so I have experimented with all sorts of vegan and vegetarian recipes and, I admit, I have happened upon quite a few that may have looked grand but were not-so appetizing at the finish. And so I have had to weed out the good ones from the not-so good ones for my own kitchen.

Now my husband, on the other hand, is the typical male carnivore – steak, steak, steak. He hates most veggies but will psych himself out to eat the limited few he can handle because he knows the health benefits that tag along.

And so here I am doing my best to find meal compromises to keep our home happy, healthy, and full of stuffed bellies. And ladies and gents, I do believe I have succeeded! Even when my husband knows the meal I made is vegetarian, or even vegan, we will almost always end up “arguing” over which of us gets the last serving. (I tend to allow my husband to have it so he can pack it for his work lunch – For I do LOVE to hear how his coworkers are over his shoulder asking about what homemade meal his wife made for him this time. win, win, win!)

Just about every week I try something new. And I will do my best to post to this blog  my very favourites (as I was persuaded to do by a darling relative of mine) in which I highly recommend ALL to try  at least once.

However, not all of these recipe are my own. If I am following or I adapted a recipe from a certain other recipe blogger, I ensure credit is given at the bottom of each of my recipe post. So I encourage you to click those links if you wish to learn more about the recipes and read some of the original chefs personal notes!

Now, andiamo a mangiare. Let’s eat!